I do not provide an emergency service. In the event of emergency, it is vital to contact your GP or the nearest accident and emergency service. if you feel that you or someone else’s life is at risk, if you or someone has been seriously injured, feeling suicidal or taken an overdose or if you do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe, call 999.
You can also reach out to different organisations - please see below.
NHS Direct -for more information about mental health services and where to get urgent mental help support from by the NHS
CALM (Campaign Against Men Living Miserably) – preventing male suicide.
Tel: 0800 585858 (Helpline open 5pm-midnight);
Papyrus – Prevention of young suicide supporting under 35s (9am to midnight every day)
Tel: 0800 068 4141; Text 07860 039967; email;
Samaritans – If you are feeling suicidal and need to talk email:
Tel: 08457 90 90 90;
Saneline – Out-of-hours helpline offering practical information, crisis care and emotional support to anybody affected by mental health problems; Tel: 0845 767 8000
Wellbeing and Mental Health Helpline; Tel: 0800 915 4640
SOS Suicide of Silence – 9am to midnight every day; Tel: 0300 1020 505
Headstuff – ADHD specialist team; ADHD Therapy by diagnosed ADHD counsellors – HeadStuff Therapy (
Here are a few of the many national organisations that you may want to contact who would be able to offer you additional information and support.
National Domestic Abuse Helpline; Tel: 0808 2000 247;
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline; Tel: 0800 999 5428;
Women’s Aid – For support for women and children in domestic violence situations.
Alcoholics Anonymous – for anyone who thinks they may have a problem with alcohol; Tel: 08009188650;
Al-Anon – for family including children and friends whose lives are affected by a person with addictive behaviours; Tel: 0800 0086 811;
FRANK – provides information and advice about drugs and information on local services; Tel: 0800 776600;
Gamblers anonymous – for anyone who thinks they may have a problem with gambling; Tel: 03300940322;
Narcotics Anonymous UK – for anyone who thinks they may have a problem with drugs including alcohol; Tel: 0300 999 1212;
Children and adolescent support
Childline – for under 19s to be able to talk and get support; Tel: 0800 1111 (number will not show up on your phone bill);
Kooth – Children’s online mental wellbeing community;
NSPCC – discuss or report a concern about the safety or welfare of a child; Tel: 0808 800 5000;
The Mix – free information and support for under 25s in the UK; Tel: 0808 808 4994;
YoungMinds Crisis Messenger – Text ‘YM’ to 85258
Crisis Text Line – text ‘HOME’ to 85258 (UK), 50808 (Ireland)
Shout Crisis Text Line – text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 or text ‘YM’ if you are under 19 (free listening service)
Debt Management
Step Change – help you to manage your debt and understand money; Tel: 0800 138 1111;
The Money Advice Service – Free and impartial money advice; Tel: 0800 138 7777;
Eating Disorders
Beat – Beating Eating Disorder – Supports people affected by eating disorders; Tel: 0845 634 1414 (adult); Tel: 0845 634 7650 (youth);
Victim of Crime
Mosac – Supporting all non-abusing parents and carers whose children have been sexually abused; Tel: 0800 980 1958;
Rape Crisis – support and services for victims and survivors of sexual violence or childhood sexual abuse; Tel: 0808 802 9999;
Victim Support – Help after crime; Tel: 08081689111;